San Diego State University
Spring 2025
I am teaching Comp-605/CS-605: Scientific Computing.
You can find all the relevant class material on the dedicated webpage.
Fall 2024
I taught Comp-526: Computational Methods for Scientists.
You can find all the relevant class material on the dedicated webpage.
Aa a Resarch Software Engineer at Caltech, I have been the chair, organizer and main instructor of the CliMA Worlkhops series, designed to encourage software contributions from users and developers alike, facilitate best practices for computational scientists, project onboarding and technical documentation. This series of workshops was advertised mainly among the CliMA organization (Caltech, MIT, and NASA JPL), but their material is publicly available at the following repository
University of Colorado at Boulder
As a postdoc at CU Boulder, occasionally, I was a substitute instructor for Prof. Brown in the High-performance Scientific Computing (CSCI 5576/4576) class. Moreover, I created, chaired and organized the Applied Math and Computer Science Departments postdoc seminar. This series of seminars aimed at encouraging networking among postdocs and promoting the exchange of ideas for potential collaborations. In this series, postdocs from the two departments, and occasionally from other local universities, could showcase their research, foster relationships and collaborations between the two departments and other universities.
As part of my volunteering work as a board member of the Postdoc Association of Colorado (PAC Boulder), I also created, chaired, organized and instructed in a series of hands-on workshops and tutorials, advertised within the entire CU Boulder, NCAR, NIST, and NOAA communities.
Some of these tutorials can be found in the following publicly available repositories:
New Jersey Institute of Technology
As a PhD student at NJIT, I was a teaching assistant (TA) for several classes, for every term of my PhD program. I taught the laboratories of several numerical classes, and I also taught as a solo instructor of a full credit one-semester course.
Here is a list of classes I have taught together with a short description of my role, responsibilities and duties:
PhD program courses:
Spring 2018: Numerical Methods I (MATH 614) - prerequisite class for the qualifying exams in the Applied Math track of the PhD program at NJIT.
Role: TA.
Responsabilities and duties: mainly graded homework and midterm exams. -
Fall 2015: Teaching in Mathematics (MATH 599).
Role: Lab instructor.
Responsabilities and duties: designed and taught all Lab activities and assignments, including LaTeX, online presence, i.e., how to build a basic website in HTML and present academic work (including scientific visualization, animations, and other research output), public speaking, some basic programming in C and numerics.
Undergraduate courses:
Fall 2017: Linear Algebra (MATH 337-017).
Role: Instructor of record
Responsabilities and duties: I independently taught the class as a solo instructor, helped coordinating the syllabus, prepared lecture notes, and designed and grade weekly quizzes, as well as exams. -
Spring 2017: Capstone Laboratory (MATH 451).
Role: Lab instructor
Responsabilities and duties: I independently ran the research lab, prepared lab activities, including experiments on some fluid mechanics phenomena, and helped the students in the preparation of a research poster presented at the Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics conference at NJIT in June of 2017. -
Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Fall 2014: Applied Numerical Methods (MATH 340)
Role: Lab instructor.
Responsabilities and duties: designed and taught all Lab activities and assignments, including numerical approximation, integration, and differentiation, and the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. -
Spring 2014: Trigonometry and Principles of Differential Calculus (MATH 139)
Role: TA.
Responsabilities and duties: designed and taught recitation classes, graded of homework and exams. -
Fall 2013: Calculus C (MATH 133) & Calculus II (MATH 112)
Role: TA.
Responsabilities and duties: designed and taught recitation classes, graded of homework and exams. -
Spring 2013, Fall 2012: Calculus II (MATH 112)
Role: TA.
Responsabilities and duties: designed and taught recitation classes, graded of homework and exams.