Welcome to my personal website! Here you can find a bit about my research, the projects I contributed to, and my academic and non-academic life.
For my undergraduate and master’s programs, I studied Mathematical Sciences at the University of Siena, my hometown in the Tuscany region of Italy.

At the end of my master’s program, I was awarded a full-ride scholarship and research fellowship abroad. That’s how I arrived at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where I also stayed to pursue a PhD program in Applied Mathematics.
Since I started as a postdoc at the Universtity of Colorado at Boulder, and later as a Research Software Engineer at Caltech, I have been contributing to some open-source software projects, listed below.
Open-source Software Community Projects:
libCEED (main contributor)
PETSc (minor contributor)
ClimaCore.jl (main contributor)
ClimaAtmos.jl (contributor)
ClimaCoupler.jl (contributor)
Outside of Academia:
Fun facts:
- I was a hip-hop dancer for fourteen years (I even competed in some national competitions in Italy) until the end of my master program.
- If you are subscribed to Disney+ you can catch me in a short animated film as extra content of the Cars3 movie!
In my life outside of research, I love listening to music, dancing, cooking, swimming, snorkeling, and spending time outdoors hiking with my cat.
Recent News (updated in June 2024):
March 19, 2025: I gave the invited Colloquium as part of the Colloquium Series in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at CalPoly Pomona
March 3-7, 2025: I chaired two Minisymposia at the SIAM CSE25 conference in Fort Worth, TX
February 8, 2025: I presented at the the 15th Annual WiMSoCal (Symposium for Women and Gender Minorities in Mathematics in Southern California)
Spring 2025: I am teaching Scientific Computing at SDSU.
December 6, 2024: I gave the CSRC Colloquium at SDSU.
Fall 2024: I taught Comp 526: Computational Methods for Scientists at SDSU.
June 15, 2024: Together with some colleagues at SDSU, we were awarded the NSF POSE Phase I grant for An Open-Source Ecosystem for the Mimetic Operators Library Enhanced (MOLE).
June 5, 2024: I presented at the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference at ETH Zurich, in Zurich, Switzerland.
Spring 2024: I joined San Diego State University as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics and the Computational Science Research Center!
October 2023: Birth of my first child and subsequent maternity leave.
October 2, 2022: I was selected as finalist of the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation Young Investigator Award 2022. I presented my research at the virtual Young ISSNAF Symposiium, held on October 24-28, 2022, and then received a travel award to attend the ISSNAF Annual Event in November 2022, held at the Embassy of Italy in Washington DC.
June 27-29, 2022: I presented at PASC 22, in Basel, Switzerland.
June 8-11, 2022: I served as a mentor, for the second year in a row, at the Graduate Student Mathematical Modeling Camp, at the University of Delaware.
February 23-26, 2022: I presented (remotely) at the SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP 22).
December 13-17, 2021: I presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (AGU 21), in New Orleans.
October 1, 2020: I joined Caltech as a Research Software Engineer in the CliMA project!
February 11, 2020: I was nominated and selected among the Rising Stars in Computational and Data Sciences, originally planned at the Oden Institute, in Austin, Texas (but held online).